The best Grepolis bot


By the players, for the players. Download now and start automating!

Safe Software

Active Community

Regular Updates

Online Support

Cross Platform

No Game Bans



GrepoBot frees you from repetetive, time-consuming gathering resources from farming villages. Everything happens automagically in the background, so you don’t need to worry about it. With GrepoBot you can always have storage full of resources ready to be used!


Tired of indefinite building? With GrepoBot you can predefine different templates for cities and have GrepoBot take care of the actual building. No need for premium 7 slots building queue, GrepoBot puts next building in the queue automatically for you!


Landing a perfect timing for supports or attacks right before colonization ship is no big deal with Grepobot’s auto-attack. Easily plan all your supports and attacks from in-game attack planner and turn on Auto-attack. GrepoBot will send all the planned attacks and supports automatically for you. This feature is coming very soon.


Did you ever forgot when did the Night bonus start at the world you are playing? GrepoBot has got you covered even in that part. Check every single information about the world in a separate page and have everything you need at a glance.

Don't just use it... Join us!

By joining our discord community you get access to our dedicated discord server. Both of the developers are active there and ready to answer all of your questions. Players also share helpful tips and tricks, city building templates and much more! You will also be provided with Q&A section for the most common questions as well as room for asking questions players or developers directly, one-on-one,


The Project

Funny enough, the GrepoBot started as a University project. We were extremly competetive, but also very lazy. At University we were given a task to create an app as a semestral project. We were tired of creating just demo applications with no actual purpose. At that time we were playing Grepolis and wanted to make our playthrough little more fun and get rid of the repetetive tasks, which we needed to do in order to stay at the top of the player ladder.

That's it... that's how the general idea was born. Since March 2021 we are in the process of development and we are still adding new features and enhancing the user experience of the app in general.


Little about ourselves - we are two students of IT, who got bored during Covid-19 and started development on this project. We are both students trying to finish the school, doing exams thesis, you name it… We are also both working part-time. So as you can imagine we do not have as much spare time as we would like to have to continue the works on the GrepoBot project.

So… if you like the project and would like to support the work, you can buy us a coffee through our paypal.
Thank you very much, we really do appreciate it! You are the best <3!

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